Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More on Korea, Part I

There's a lot I want to say, mostly involving wild links and conspiracy theories that my whiskey-fueled brain is lining up doublepluspretty in my head, but for now, you need facts, so here they are.

This guy is in Korea right now, gathering all the information he can as it happens. I'll be watching him religiously, as should you. More later. selah


Monday, November 22, 2010

So it is, then...

It's over every single newsfeed right now. Reddit is going wild. Anyone who keeps up on current events in glued to their computer monitor. You'll remember a while back that I talked about Kim Jong-Il and his bat-shit-crazy way of running a country. I called him a sociopath, and said he was a problem that would have to be dealt with soon.

A few hours ago North Korea launched an attack on Yeonpyeong Island, 50 miles off the coast off the northwest coast of South Korea. Official reports say that "dozens of shells" were fired (taken from cnn.com, reuters, msncb, and a few others) although some reports are saying that as many as 200 shells (South Korean broadcasts) were launched. South Korea returned fire and scrambled jets almost immediately. Four military personnel and 16 civilians were wounded.

No one is saying anything about the *why* yet, and that's the damned important part. If this is just more posturing, then the DRPK just found themselves in a world of shit. If this is an act of all out war, then EVERYONE is in a world of shit. Keep in mind, this attack comes only a week or so after the DRPK announced that it was continuing with its nuclear program, a few months after we finally got a look at the man who would rule over North Korea next, and not much longer after North Korea allegedly sank a South Korean corvette.

I don't know if this is war yet. But I'm glued to my screen and I'll be posting as I learn more. Good night, and Good Luck.

Uncle Tambour