Friday, February 12, 2016


I never did like sitting still.

Time-biding was never a strong skill of mine, and when the chance came round to do it I treated killing time like it was heroin. Doing nothing, making no moves, shaking no worlds and rattling no chains is incredibly comfortable when you're filling it with mindlessness. I've played the first half of dozens of games but never finished them because that would be Getting Something Done, and that defeats the whole point. Letting days flow by without putting another notch in your gun barrel is easy, right up until the point where you realize it's all starting to rust.

Shaking no worlds and rattling no chains is comfortable. What is uncomfortable is very long stretches of silence. Thelonious Monk was famously quoted as saying "The notes you don't play are just as important as the ones that you do." Musically I kind of understand that, but if you ask me to explain I'm just going to grab a harmonica and honk at you until you either nod sagely or go away.

Keep a rhythm. Level entire cities, and then sit down and lie in the newly-created, slightly rubbley fields. Do great things and then do no thing.

This has nothing to do, by the way, with me having not written a damn thing in two weeks. Smartasses.

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